
How to find pageturners part 2 what to buy

I use a trial and error approach to find pageturners. This is very easily done by carrying parts of books in a bag and read in a train till I have found one. This creates surprises which I love and I also discover books from ages ago which are great though.

But there are other strategies.

If you go to a bookstore with qualified personnel they will recommend you a good book and you are done. You save a lot of time. But you usually get only topical books. No older ones, which are not worse in quality.

Another legitimate strategy is the "buy bestsellers strategy". This will be also the one qualified personnel in bookstores will use. One prominent example is the spiegel bestsellerlist it is legitimate and also giving you good results but you also get just topical books. Books have been there for ages and a big part of this resource will be left out. Another strategy that I also follow is reading by authors.

This can be very successful especially in the case of some of my favorite authors like Konsalik who created 119 bestsellers means million sellers in his life!!! I have gotten many pageturners from him. See in my most read authors page . I follow and document this strategy on my page so you can follow me and in the best case also get pageturners.

A relative new strategy I follow is the "read by subjects" one which I also document on my readingexpeditions page. My first one is the disaster 1996 on Mount Everest.

With all these strategies and all modern amenities you might ask why I don't use an ebook reader and this question I answer here