Nick Brille's's "Looking for a crime scene cleaner"
shows me many jobs to earn your money.
Ernie Hearting's "Geronimo" tells the thrilling story of this great indian leader. A masterpiece
Phillip Lahm's "The fine difference" introduces me into the life of this important soccer player and his important games and competitions. a great read
Phillip Lahm's "The fine difference" introduces me into the life of this important soccer player and his important games and competitions. a great read
Ulrike Schnitzer's "The silence of the glaciers" fills my day.
Jon Krakauer's "Into the wilderness" The author of "into thin air" doesn t disappoint. A book that gave me many hours of pure reading pleasure. Worth all the work I invest in my reading system. A dream.
Wolfgang Hohlbein's "Dark Skies" is another pageturner of this great author and it gave me a great day. A story from t
Kate Karko's "Namma" gives me an interesting insight into the live in tibet. One of my favorite subjects.
Frederica de Cesco's "Sun arrow" gives me a nice day. A thrilling story about indians. I loved it.
Konsalik's "black mink on soft skin" get's me hooked a real pageturner like this author has created many. I love it
Vanessa Kullmann's "No big thing" enriches my day with a lot of knowledge about coffee, management and a great success story. Germany needs people like this. They are the foundation of this country.
Karla Weigand's "the friesenwitch" fils my day. A story aboout a woman at the end of the the 17th century that feels to be a "medica" like Rob in Noah Gordon's "the medicus" It feels like this books a great read.
Romans "create wealth with creativity shows me how to prepare my mind for wealth by using the right thoughts and habits. Great read hope it works.
Eugen Schuhmacher's "i filmed 1000 animals" fills up my knowledge about wild animals in a thrilling way. Definitely a pageturner.
hoimar v. dithfurth's "so let's plant an appletree" shows me how mankind destroys nature and that we need nature not nature needs us. A great read even if it is a little depressing.
Walter Krämer's "We can everything, even better" shows me what germans can be proud of. An interesting thing in these difficult times. like toilet, tapestry or heating. I appreciate these things now more.
Julien Green's "Adrienne Mesurat" tells the story of a strong woman in the wrong time. A great read.
David Perlmutters "Stupid like bread" shows me how the today produced wheat will gradually destroy our brain. Very interesting Hope I can escape.
Kazmierz Albin "sought by warrant" is another thrilling story of a survivor of the german concentrationcamps. Great.
Paulo Coelho's "adultery" is another pageturner I could enjoy. Great.